Refrigeration Services


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Refrigeration services can quickly become expensive. Your refrigeration equipment is constantly running and needs to perform at specific levels at all times. We at Brian Schmitt Heating and Cooling can design, install, and maintain a refrigeration system that’ll give you exactly what you need. As a fourth-generation family owned and operated business, we understand how vital trust and high-quality service is to successful business. That is why we use experienced, licensed technicians to keep your equipment running safely while maintaining efficient, reliable operations at optimum levels.

We promise to provide a custom approach specifically tailored for you and your business needs. This will ensure prompt, high-quality care for your equipment using the best tools, materials, and latest advancements available to complete the job correctly the first time. Being a business owner is chaotic enough; you don’t need to add refrigeration issues to your list of things to worry about. We provide custom yearly contracts for our clients as well as preventive maintenance packages so we can spot and correct problems early before they turn into expensive losses.

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